The Mystic’s Journey Blog

nourishment for the soul

Elevating consciousness, starting with our own embodiment through aligning with ideals.

Sacred Mirrors

I invite you to come along for the ride as I record my musings from my own spiritual journey. 

I analyze problems through an esoteric lens and pose meditations to address them in the realm they began in - the thought world. 

​I endeavor to use a no BS writing style and promise not to sugar coat issues.

​I recommend many books in my courses and here I would like to draw your attention to one author in particular, William Walker Atkinson.

Access the Power of Your Mind

& the Energies of the Quantum Field

Donna Harper Donna Harper

The Effects of Sound

I want to draw your attention to something very important. I realize it isn’t a very popular topic but given it’s impact on the cells of our bodies I’m going to mention it. In today’s world, we need every advantage we can glean.

Simply put - sound impacts our bodies.

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Aura Cleansing Symptoms

The First Guideline - if you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or faint - STOP the session. These symptoms indicate your body needs to stop. 

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Censorship Consequences

So right now, you’re impacting 8 billion+ incarnated souls and you’ve impacted all the souls who have already suffered and died and you’re going to be impacting all the future souls who will suffer and die from your actions. That will all be karma on you. How deep of a karmic hole do you want to dig for yourself?

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Taking Action 5D Style

Do you ever look around at the world and get overwhelmed at the craziness? Like you look around and think, there is so much going wrong, I don’t even know if this is possible to fix?

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Hedge Witch Tarot

If you’re a tarot fan, I’d like to draw your attention to the Hedge Witch Tarot Channel.

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Financial System Redesign

I encourage you to listen to this inspiring and hopeful transmission: Zørion - The Sirian High Council

It outlines a wonderful timeline where the Financial System will be Redesigned through a Quantum Reset and unfold a system that supports the well-being of all.

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“Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved.”

~ Jane Goodall

Experience Aura Cleansing

Soothe, Recharge, & Invigorate Your Soul

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