The Mystic’s Journey Blog

nourishment for the soul

Elevating consciousness, starting with our own embodiment through aligning with ideals.

Sacred Mirrors

I invite you to come along for the ride as I record my musings from my own spiritual journey. 

I analyze problems through an esoteric lens and pose meditations to address them in the realm they began in - the thought world. 

​I endeavor to use a no BS writing style and promise not to sugar coat issues.

​I recommend many books in my courses and here I would like to draw your attention to one author in particular, William Walker Atkinson.

Access the Power of Your Mind

& the Energies of the Quantum Field

Donna Harper Donna Harper

Atlantis & DEWS

DEWS defined:

Directed energy weapons (DEWs) are defined as electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy and focusing it on a target, resulting in physical damage that degrades, neutralizes, defeats or destroys an adversarial capability.

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

The Drones

If you’ve been following conspiracy theories over the years, you’ll probably have come across the subject of “Project Bluebeam”.

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

The Missing Children

TRIGGER WARNING: There is no way to gently discuss this issue. If you feel this may be triggering to you, close this out now and don’t proceed any further.

I was a criminology major once upon a long time ago so I’ve been aware of the missing children problem for quite some time but never in my wildest imagination did I think it would include this.

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Is God Actually Satan?

Billy Carson shares in this amazing conversation with Brandi Harvey on the Vault Empowers Talk Season 2. I absolutely encourage you to watch this if you’re questioning.

This contemplation work is very important for shadow work. Most of us have religious trauma from past lives and all of us have ancestral trauma embedded in us. We have an opportunity in this lifetime to release this. This talk is absolutely incredible and worth every minute to listen to.

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Feng Shui Energetics

I’d like to introduce you to a Master of Feng Shui Energetics - Kaye Lee.

I’ve never been a fan of feng shui and it turns out I had just never met a master of it who had the real, legit training. And I certainly didn’t know that they learned energetics. Everything up until this, I perceived as fluff.

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Donna Harper Donna Harper

Detoxing Your Spiritual Body

I’d like to make you aware of some things that sound like sci-fi but unfortunately are not. This tech is being unleashed onto the unsuspecting populace.

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“Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved.”

~ Jane Goodall

Experience Aura Cleansing

Soothe, Recharge, & Invigorate Your Soul

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