Soothe, Recharge, & Invigorate Your Soul

With Aura Cleansing

If you enjoy the Aura Cleanses I offer, you can find the long sessions on my Membership Site.

I invite you to experience the hour long sessions, as they take you deeper into the Light Realms and offer your Higher Divine Self more time to work with the energies.

The short sessions are also offered under the Free Plan and are ad free.

Let me know what you think! I’d love to hear your experience. 🙏🏼💗

Take a minute to read about the clearing symptoms to expect.


  • Yes! Saves time AND you can sleep while your brain waves return back from “meditation brain”.

  • I wouldn’t recommend it. I did my Level 1 & 2 Reiki Training in the same weekend and I got the worst clearing of my life for 3 weeks. Try one session and see how you feel. Next time, try two sessions and see how you feel. The next time, try three sessions and see how you feel, etc.

  • You can do any level at anytime. But if you desire to pull out the best results, my recommendation is to start with Aqua, then Sapphire, then Golden, then Pink, and then Rose Gold. You can do any of the Sacred Service sessions in any order.

  • The two best things you can do is 1/ have a notepad and pen beside you - ALWAYS. Write everything down that comes to you. You quite likely will forget it when you come back. The reason why is, during a session you will be tapping into a stream of high frequency energy. When you finish, you brain waves will settle and the door closes to the realm where you downloaded the info. It could be as simple as: call so and so, do x, y & z. No matter how simple and mundane it is, write it down. You will find out why. You are technically tapping into the future. 2/ The second best thing you can do is lay down (a recliner is fine) and close your eyes (using a sleep mask is even better) as you will be able to access deeper levels. Ideally, a quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed.

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