The Mystic’s Journey Blog

nourishment for the soul

Elevating consciousness, starting with our own embodiment through aligning with ideals.

Sacred Mirrors

I invite you to come along for the ride as I record my musings from my own spiritual journey. 

I analyze problems through an esoteric lens and pose meditations to address them in the realm they began in - the thought world. 

​I endeavor to use a no BS writing style and promise not to sugar coat issues.

​I recommend many books in my courses and here I would like to draw your attention to one author in particular, William Walker Atkinson.

Access the Power of Your Mind

& the Energies of the Quantum Field

Donna Harper Donna Harper

Financial System Redesign

I encourage you to listen to this inspiring and hopeful transmission: Zørion - The Sirian High Council

It outlines a wonderful timeline where the Financial System will be Redesigned through a Quantum Reset and unfold a system that supports the well-being of all.

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“Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved.”

~ Jane Goodall

Experience Aura Cleansing

Soothe, Recharge, & Invigorate Your Soul

Get Started On Your Journey

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