Alleviating Mental Health Stigmas

Western Medicine absolutely has a place in the spiritual journey, if needed.

The New Age community has something called Toxic Positivity. This is can be harmful and actually slow down your spiritual progress.

Let me tell you, when you get deep into shadow work and hit a dark night of the soul, you will benefit from the support of western medical doctors, therapists, as well as all of the holistic modalities.

I fully support and advocate for western medicine in assisting with anxiety, depression, psychosis and all mental health challenges one may face. Please, please, please, utilize the resources and expertise of western medicine to assist you on your path.

Consider looking at it like this, if you were crossing a bubbling brook, and you saw rocks sticking out of the water, you would likely aim to step on the rocks to cross the stream so you could avoid getting your feet wet. Consider the rocks in this scenario to be western medicine assistance.

Of course, our goal is to get off medication. Of course, our goal is to master our mental health. Of course our goal, is holistic wellness. But sometimes the path from point A to point Z is going to take a lot of zigs and zags.

Please do not accept or internalize any of the blame or shame directed at you from your own internal thinking or from others in the spiritual community in choosing to utilize western medicine options. Other people are not walking your path - you are. You do what is best for you moment by moment as is needed. This is not selfish by the way. That’s another topic that I need to do a blog post on. This is self care. This is ensuring your cup is full so you can share your gifts with the world.

In my own life, I have had fantastic guidance from a chiropractor directing me to a medical doctor for seasonal depression and anxiety. Medication at that time was a god send. I have had fantastic guidance from a naturopathic doctor who directed me to get a hysterectomy to deal with massive fibroids.

It is not a failure to seek help from western medicine. All the discoveries and knowledge in western medicine has come from Source Consciousness. How did you think it arrived in this plane of reality?!

If you needed reassurance on this matter, here it is - go see your medical doctor if you’re experiencing mental health challenges. Reach out to support groups in your area and online. There are so many resources available. Please utilize them. And as I always say, remember to be gentle with yourself and have patience with yourself.

I’ll end this one here.  I don’t have any other info coming through at this time on this.

Here are some overarching themes that have assisted me in my journey, maybe they’ll help you too.

Meditating on overarching themes assists in revealing what you need to address in yourself and where best to start.

If you sit in stillness and contemplate on each of these, they will guide you in your next steps that are best for you.

Here are my recommendations for themes to spend some time on in quiet meditation.

  • Bravery

  • Balance

  • Calm

  • Centered

  • Gentle

  • Harmony

  • Humble

  • Optimistic

  • Patience

  • Persistent

  • Resilient

  • Soothing

If this kind of work resonates with you, I teach how to do this in depth in my Mental Jumpstart Program - Level One & Two.

If there is a topic you’re curious about, leave a message in the comments. If I’ve heard about it, I’ll share my thoughts on it and what I see are the karmic implications and anything spiritual I can contribute to the subject.

You can download your copy of the meditation cue cards below:


Absent Karma Explained


Advocating Depopulation